The Engine

The untouched engine compart- ment. Note the new fuel filter...

...and the hose between fuel rail and filter. Another view.

Old-looking timing belt. The old, broken fuel hose also visible.

'An oil cooler'. People doing this should NEVER open the hood!

The hose removed.

Dismantling of the timing end started

Opened cam boxes, before removing them.

Using too much silicone sealant only blocks the oil passages.

2 types of exhaust cam boxes. The right type of gasket is must!

Dowel of the cam box. It is always sensible to renew camshaft seal...

This kind of a gasket will block the oil of centre bearing unless...

...a hole is drilled for it. The gasket is from a right type of gasket set!

An higher lift exhaust cam of normally-aspirated Croma getting in...

The intake cam box. Oil should come from the head, but gasket...

...blocks the oil. A minor bearing failure is evident. A hole was made.

Any sealant is not used for the box, but surface has to be dead clean.

Be sure that the holes are free from oil before putting in the bolts!

The cam box bolts are tightened to 22 Nm with torque wrench.

Reaction rod support bolts had damaged threads. 7/16" UNC fits...

...perfectly, and longer bolts will be used to prevent the failure again.

The thread in the water pump body was fine with re-tapping.

The cam boxes fitted, waiting for the cam wheels to be installed.

The base plate of the cam belt cover really needed re-painting.

The worn-out bottom cam belt wheel needs renewal.

Cam wheel bolts (12.9 grade) being torqued to 118 Nm.

Cams timed roughly to TDC of cyl #1.

Engine support. The spacers were welded in place to increase rigidity.

Cam belt in place.

True TDC is searched at the first, with dial gauge. That is...

...marked to the pointer. Full lift of intake and exhaust valves were also...

...formerly marked in the wheel. The cams are adjusted by setting the full..

...lift of intake and exhaust to those points, using the adjustable wheels.

Valve clearances are adjusted to 0,35mm (in) and 0,4mm (ex).

The timing end and the new belts.

The intercooler had been opened and made to leak. Fixed now...

Throttle position sensor needed tuning (idle points).

Has the Lord of Darkness made this connection?

The ready timing end, without cover.

Turbo had no additional clearances.

Poor-quality connectors always causing trouble on Italian cars ;-)

Battery case sand-blasted, prior painting

The same item painted

The downpipe needed renewal. The ready item.

The seams must look good when viewed inside the pipe, not outside.

The front wheel bearing nut of RWD Fiat fits Lambda sensor

The exhaust pipe in place

Have you ever heard that the gearbox oil can really be changed?

Inj.pump relay has been bypassed! Increased risk of fire in car accident

Lambda meter under the dashboard

The car was equipped with the front grill without any extra paint.

The sill has been welded, but rust protection has been neglected...

The rear fender has been 'fixed' with rivets and tar.

Removing the wet sand from inside the sills.

The fender fixed.

A surprise under the rear door gasket cut apart...

...and fixed.

The sill was also fixed.

The upper part of the fender also looked awful.

The same after repairing.

The towing ring has been pulled apart.

The same after repairing.

Using only spray primer with under- body coating will result this.

Removing old paint and rust from the sill...

...prior painting.

Fixing the rear bumper mountings.

The car after inspection, front view

Side view

Some suspension components were removed to fit new bushes.

Electric rust removal, using washing soda solution...

The same part after the treatment, prior painting.

The rear polyurethane bush of the front arm installed.

The front suspension arm painted...

.. and assembled.

ABS sensor had way too much clearance.

A dodgy top mount of rear shock absorber, made by someone

Rear brake caliper

Front suspension arm having an urethane bush installed

All components must be cleaned prior installing the new bushes.
Pictures and text © Ville Vieri '07 and '08