July and August have been very warm, and nothing else but driving is done with the car. It has done a few hundred kilometers now, without any bigger problems. This is quite surprising when presence of all those homemade things are taken into account. :-)
The headgasket stopped leaking after re-torquing the head bolts. In addition, coolant level does not drop, so the copper plate seems to be acting as a head gasket well enough.
Hot-starting improved dramatically after blocking the fuel enrichment jets. Also, the minor fuel leaks told before disappeared. Anyway, there is still some problems when starting hot engine after it has been standing a few minutes. I believe that this is because the carburettors get warm and the fuel inside them gets evaporated. However, this is not very bad problem and will be left as-is.
The car was also tested on track, to find some idea about its behaviour during hard cornering. The suspension seems to be operating quite well, but the rear springs need to be harder, because the rear suspension seems to be collapsing too easily. More power would also be nice, and a set of good race tyres as well. :-)
There were no cooling troubles despite of the air temperature being almost 30°C (86°F). The oil sump did not perform very well, the oil pump was getting air during right turns. This is deduced from falling oil pressure.
Otherwise, the car was working fine. Air hose came off the turbo once after increasing the boost pressure, but that became attached with a heavier clamp. It was easy to guess what happened after hearing 'pooff' from the engine compartment.
Some pictures taken by my friend can be found here.
Again, some ideas for future modifacions were found. There is plenty of time to make them during the next winter.
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