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Fiat 127 T
This is what happens when a megalomaniac car enthusiast finds an old rusty Fiat.

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Pictures 85 ja 86. Electric water pump, and crank pulley fitment.

Although the electric water pump has been operating well, I deciced to try a belt driven one, once again, after discovering a Fiat Tempra pump. It features a pulley for multi-rib belt. Using some idler wheels, this kind of a belt can be routed so that the alternator has adequate lenght of belt around its pulley, to operate correctly. The belt drive is shown in the pictures below. It is also clearly seen from the picture above that there is not much clearance between the crank pulley and chassis because of the wider pulley for the multi-rib belt.

Pictures 87, 88 and 89. Belt drive alignment.

To cure the starting problems, some of the boost pipes were re-located in order to minimize their heating after shutdown. A heat shield for the carbs was also manufactured. This also helped to tidy up the mess in the engine compartment.

Pictures 90 and 91. The new boost pipes.

After the modifications, I have been driving the car quite a lot. Perhaps because the weather has been quite dry and nice.

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