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Fiat 127 T
This is what happens when a megalomaniac car enthusiast finds an old rusty Fiat.

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As usual - the modifications that were meant to be carried out during the winter, were started near the spring. That's why, the car spent major part of the summer 2005 in garage.

Some results were achieved - 127 finally got a 5-speed gearbox, with Torsen limited-slip differential. Details of building the gearbox are here. Fitting the gearbox into the car was tricky, because the gearbox was about 8 centimeters wider than the 4-speed one, and the engine compartment was already suffering from the lack of space. Other modifications include changes to the exhaust pipe, wastegate (details here), fitting a new camshaft-end mounted distributor (details here) and larger radiator.

Pictures 111 and 112. The radiator (VW Vento Diesel), and the gearbox end under the fender.

Pictures 113 and 114. The new downpipe, and the camshaft end slot for the distributor.

Additionally, the oil cooler had to be installed on the front of the radiator, and the starter motor changed because of the different gearbox. The new gearbox had different bellhousing that was too large for the flywheel of the 1100cc engine. A modified Regata 100S starter was fitted.

The timing end engine mount was modified in order to fit the water pump into it's original place, side of the block. The homemade extension bracket of the water pump was removed.

Pictures 115 and 116. Water pump and alternator in place. The new actuator of the wastegate.

Pictures 117 and 118. The starter motor, and the right driveshaft.

Pictures 118 and 120. The distributor, and the engine compartment after the modifications.

In the middle of the summer, the car was on the road again. The new 5-speed gearbox made the car significantly more comfortable on highway. The Torsen LSD was also tested on the drag strip. Unfortunately, there were problems with the wastegate settings, and the engine broke the distributor gasket and started to leak oil because the distributor bolts were left loose. However, it was an interesting experience, especially with slicks. It is surprising how difficult it can be, just drive straight...

Pictures 121 and 122. Some pictures from the drag strip.

I noticed some problems with the fuel mixture during high-speed cruise - perhaps it is necessary to swap air jets or venturis because the mixture is getting lean. On the other hand, an electronic injection would be nice, too...

BTW, the car is suprisingly stable and comfortable at 120kph speed, being so small car!

After the summer, the car was driven into garage to wait for the next summer. No major modifications will be carried out this winter, apart from some front brake update...

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