At first, I have to apologize that I haven't updated my site for ages... I have been 'out of business' because of private reasons. A year has gone very quickly, but luckily I have an opportunity to build my Fiat again.
The car suffered from some kind of fuel delivery problems deduced from rough running of the engine. It seemed to have very rich mixture at boost. I tested the pressure regulator using a simple 'tool' made from a bicycle pump, check valve and pressure gauge. The regulator seemed to operate properly because it kept a constant pressure compared to the boost pressure.
I noticed that the fuel pressure drops immediately after switching the fuel pump off. This shouldn't happen since there is a check valve in the pump output and there is no fuel consumtion. I tried an 1 Ohm resistor connected in series with the pump, and it has an effect to the fuel pressure. Because the engine operated quite properly with the resistor connected, I thought that the fuel return line is too restrictive. This also explains why the fuel pressure cannot be set low enough from the pressure regulator. I have to replace the fuel line with one with larger diameter.
The standard Fiat 128 distributor is not suitable for a turbocharged engine because of lacking boost retard. I made a suitable one from a distributor equipped with a vacuum advance unit. The description of the modifications needed is shown here.
A turbocharged engine is happier with an intercooler. Higher power is achievable while the risk of detonation decreases. I bought an intercooler (grafted from a turbodiesel Ford) and with some minor modifications, it became installed at the place of the front grille. Unfortunately, this kind of installation affects on the efficiency of the engine radiator, but the IC does not cover the radiator very much... The oil filter stand had to be modified and the horn displaced to make the installation possible.
The next task is to make a suitable tailpipe. The car makes terrible noise because there is only a short piece of pipe after the turbo. While spending time under the car, I have to fix a minor leak from the braking system.